Darksiders 2 Dlc

Battlefield 3 review. So I recently decided to replay the series with Darksiders 3 coming out. I haven't picked it up yet but wanted to go through 1 and 2 again and maybe pick up the comics/stories before maybe getting 3 on sale sometime.So I replayed 1 Warmastered after only having played the base version before and have now been playing through the Deathfinitive edition of 2 after buying it on sale since again I only had the base version.Because of this I've never played the DLC for 2 and don't really know it's pacing story-wise or difficulty. I went a little far after getting some notifications for unlocking the DLCs and just got the notice for the 3rd one. World in conflict cheats.
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Basically I'm right before the end of the main game before the final boss and want to know if I should beat the game first or play the DLCs first and then beat the game or if I can even do that and I have the beat the game first.Is there a benefit one way or another or does it not matter really at all? I'm mostly finishing up the side quests like getting all the Book of the Dead pages which I just finished and collecting all the Relics and Stones. (God knows I'm probably not going to finish running around trying to find every stone without knowing which ones I've already collected.)I also haven't touched the Crucible yet as I don't really care for the.go till' you drop arena' type game modes and don't know if there's any reason to do that either.So any advise on what to do when and in what order would be appreciated.