Katamari Damacy Gameplay

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Diffenderfer plumbing. I Now Katamari Damacy is a weird game. I like the concept, music and art in the game, however, the gameplay is a bit of a different story. I know that Keita Takahashi (the creator of the series) did not have any prior experience in making games. This is just my oppinion but I find the gameplay frustrating and not very fun. Intretersting gaming. Sep 21, 2004  Me and My Katamari Gameplay Movie 9. Prince is collecting oil tank in the dark. Katamari Damacy Gameplay Movie 6. You wouldn't believe the things you'll pick up with a Katamari ball.

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What could be more thrilling than imagining the life after few decades? Motogp 19 mods.

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Over at, they know that not everyone can have a GTXVI 9999 videocard and they've got your back!.: They've got a great eye on all the amazing deals you've never heard of.: Tired of all the blockbuster titles that only disappoint? Head over to and rejoice in this fantastic era of gaming!.: Do you feel left out because you can't (or won't) buy games at $60 a pop?

Find your gaming soul mates at the subreddit with the greatest amount of self control.: A tightly-knit, well organized community that is reddit's 'book club for games'.: A lace to discuss video games in a casual, laid back environment.: I don't think this needs to be explained.Please make sure to use the Search Function before posting! Read the Rules in the Sidebar! There aren't many, but they're important! I loved the original Katamari Damacy; it’s extremely quirky, but not in an irritating way.

You control a magnet ball (of varying sizes) and roll around different locations picking up anything smaller than the ball. The balls are then thrown into the cosmos to create a new planet or constellation.One of my favorite scenarios is the King wants you to create a new Taurus constellation and needs you to roll up the biggest cow you can find; if you accidentally run over a carton of milk he counts it, mocks you for how small it is, and makes the constellation anyways.The game is pretty short (6 hours), but is delightfully fun and bizarre in all the right ways, I highly recommend it.

Feb 13, 2019

A guide on how to collect all the presents in Katamari Damacy REROLL.

All Present Locations


  • Where: Make A Star 2
  • Go outside of the house. A gnome being pulled by two turkey legs (arranged to look like Santa being pulled by reindeer) will have the present trailing behind him.

Chef's Hat

  • Where: Make A Star 3
  • Whack the tree with the swing when you're about 30cm round. It can take a bunch of hits, but eventually a present will fall out. You need to be about 50cm before you can pick it up.

Champion's Belt

  • Where: Make A Star 4
  • Roll out of the house and around the corner past the 20cm barrier. Go into the back of the house and into the kitchen, the present is sitting up on the kitchen table. You need to be ~30cm to get up on the table and about 50cm to pick it up.


  • Where: Make a Star 5
  • Build up to 45cm to get past the barrier leading down to the shopping district. There's a crow flying around with a present. If you're super huge, you can just pick it up without any issue. You can also climb up the giant turnip very slowly to reach it.


  • Where: Make a Star 6
  • In the schoolyard up behind the gas station, it's floating from a balloon behind the jungle gym near the circle of students. This one's pretty obvious.


  • Where: Make a Star 7
  • Build up enough to get up to the schoolyard. The present falls with the rest of the boulders and junk in the looping order of rock, rock, rock, washing machine, tractor, car, dump truck, rock, sumo wrestler, present. It helps to be large enough to pick up the sumo wrestler so he doesn't knock you out of the way.

White Guitar

  • Where: Make a Star 8
  • The present is rolling along behind a red jeep driving counter clockwise around the streets past the 1.5m barrier.

Aloha Set

  • Where: Make a Star 9
  • Build up enough to get past the school and up to the second town. In the middle of the buildings there's a factory with two smoke stacks. Roll up the ladder of the stack farthest from where you came. It's at the top of the chimney. Do it as soon as you get to the second town or you might get too big to get it.

King's Mask

  • Where: Make the Moon
  • Build up enough to get past the 12m barrier at the school and head to the port area with the boats and squids. A red Jumboman robot flies around there with the present in his hands. Once you're about 30m, you can simply pick it up from the ground when he flies over. When he crashes into you it'll knock the present back out, so you'll have to pick it up again. Make sure to do this as fast as you can, so you don't run out of time.


  • Where: Make Cygnus
  • First collect some of the eggs in the attic so you're big enough. Go down the ramp by the cones, it's on a ledge to the right before going through the little window.


  • Where: Make Corona Borealis
  • Go down the hill and around the buildings to the opposite side of the lower area. Next to the stream, the present will be sitting between two chickens.

Running Top

  • Where: Make Virgo
  • Head out to the beach. The present is on top of one of the beach umbrellas near the water. You'll need to build up a little bit before you can roll yourself up on top of it.

Superhero Scarf

  • Where: Make Ursa Major
  • There's a guy floating around the roads from a balloon, he's holding the present. You need to be about 2.5m to reach it.


  • Where: Make Taurus
  • Build up the ball to 3m then get up onto the roof of the school just to the right of where you started. Climb up onto the highest part of the building and roll right into the present.


  • Where: Make Polaris
  • Roll straight forward from the start, and go through the forest. You'll end up near a campfire and a small cave thing, which has the present in it.

Recommended for You:
  • All Katamari Damacy REROLL Guides!

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