Paladog Kongregate

Paladog is the bravest dog in the world and now there is hope for the critters. Go through 3 different modes, earn gold, upgrade yourself and the units and set free Critterland. Swords and souls neverseen unblocked hacked. Press left arrow key or A button to move to the left-right arrow or D- to move to the right the numbers from 1- 9 to activate the units (when enough food) J, K or L.
Because work sucks.HTML5, UNITY, JAVA etc. Are welcome here!Please post links in english only.Please put the title of the game in your submission title and the type of game.Your account must be over 1 day old to post anythingWe will ban you if:. you do not link DIRECTLY to a game on its original site OR to an official, well-known web-games site. IF the game is not on any of the official or well-known web-games sites, post away! This is to prevent blog and webspam (do not create self-posts, unless they are meta to - put any additional information you would like within the post). you post blogspam.
your posted game requires registration of any sort. you post Youtube videos or any other videos. you spam from your own website.If your game was caught in the spam filter unfairly, PM us and explain why you think your post did not violate the above rules.If you are looking for the following:.
A game you forgot the name of. A game idea to fit your mood.Do not create an individual post.
There is a mega-'Looking for a game'-thread. Post the request there. All individual self posts looking for games will be filtered out.Partner subreddits. I'm looking for a fantasy lane defense/strategy sort-of game I played years ago. It was similar to the Warlords series on Armor Games by djstatika, but I don't remember where it was hosted.Your units and the enemy's would move on across horizontal axis lanes, but you controlled a greatsword-wielding hero and could kill enemies to help your units. I'm pretty sure the character was invulnerable.One unit I remember was a big griffon, available during the endgame.
The art style was pretty simple; kind of like Warlords or Royal Warfare. I'm trying to find an old game I probably played around 2007. 2D animation. I don't remember much about the gameplay, but the plot was pretty unique. Three young adults woke up in separate parts of a fantasy world they had never seen before. They each met and paired up with a companion (monster/fairy-tale-creature).
Eventually, they all found each other and formed a large party of six. It was revealed that the main characters were all from various parts of modern-day Earth (one was definitely from London if that helps). I believe walking into enemies triggered a turn-based, Final Fantasy style battle. Sorry I don't remember more. I'm trying to find a couple of games I used to play years ago (the early-mid 2000's)One was a top view space shooter, I think your ship was red/pink and I know it was the second game because it had 2 in the name.
This one is driving me crazy because I used to play it in middle school all the time.Another one, was I believe on the old shockwave website, it was first person, I think you were driving a mech of sorts? I remember the first level was lots of water and ice.Another one I believe was on the shockwave website, it was this 2D fighting game, it had a fantasy vibe to it. You were on some other planet, believe it was like a desert with canyons in the background, and your character was a blue alien/humanoid (think Avatar, but this was way before the movie came out) I remember there was a combo system and the game honestly looked really pretty at the time.
There was this game I played anywhere from 6-10 years ago where you play a character who defends the city walls by himself by fighting all sorts of foes (ranging from soldiers to siege weapons) outside of the city. The only support you really have are archers who attack enemies that manage to get close to the city wall/gate. The game advances day to day, where your character ends or begins the day by choosing upgrades/unlocks (I think in both skill and equipment), and reveals some plot (most of the plot I remember involved you and a prostitute falling in love, and she gets injured at some point) and maybe even plot choices after and/or before each battle.
The perspective is Diablo II-esque, in that it's sort of third-person mixed with bird's eye view, where you're watching him from above at an angle.See my illustration for some details:Thanks! I hope to be able to finish that game, because I don't think I ever did.Edit: The hero is male, the setting is medieval, and the mood is kind of dark and gory.Edit2: Found it while searching under the medieval category at Armorgames.
It's called 'Battle for Wayland Keep' by Jazza Studios.