Super Spell Heroes Contest

Determine the type of super hero you are creating, whether you are modifying a well-known super hero or creating an original concept. Draw a sketch of your costume ideas on paper, or use HeroMachine 2.5 or Rainbow Dressup (see Resources). Start with a core design that considers your body shape and height. Add accessories, such as a mask, cape, gloves and boots, to accent your character's personality. Consider whether your hero would have a weapon, and whether you would carry it by hand or in a storage device. Measure your body frame, and begin to assemble the materials to fit your dimensions. Trace a capital 'T' shape on the fabric that reflects the length of your outstretched arms and full torso, and cut out two versions of it.

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Have a friend wrap fabric around your arms and body, and secure the two pieces together using safety pins. Move around, making sure you've provided enough room to raise your arms and walk. Carefully take the material off and begin to sew it together from the inside of the costume until there is a tight stitch that holds your material together. Trim off any extra fabric with scissors.