Unavowed Review

Aug 08, 2018 Find reviews, trailers, release dates, news, screenshots, walkthroughs, and more for Unavowed here on GameSpot. Unavowed Review. Tweet Share Share. By GC Staff on August 10, 2018 in Reviews. New York, New York It’s A Hell Of A Town. HIGH Enthralling storytelling, memorable characters, and a shocking reveal. LOW A little too much backtracking. Some puzzle logic didn’t mesh.
This is a walkthrough for Wadjet Eye Game’s adventure game “Unavowed”. It aims to provide solutions for the many puzzles throughout the game.
Keep in mind, though, that there are multiple ways of solving many of this game’s puzzles. I will try to name all of them, but of course, I may miss some. If you figured out another way to solve a puzzle please let me know and I will add it to the guide.Since there is already a guide on steam that covers all of this game’s achievements, I will not address them in this guide.Please also keep in mind that English is not my native language and as such, any grammar and spelling mistakes are yours to keep.
If you tell me about them, I will do my best to fix them.If you don't want to read the whole thing, check the chapter selection for those chapters that have 'quick version' in the title. Those are just brief summaries to help you if you got stuck and don't use any pictures.The quick version of this walkthrough will most likely be the first to be completed because writing out all the steps and taking pictures along with it takes a lot of time. I hope, you can understand that.So far (16 August 2018) this guide contains:. the Prologue - long version with pictures. the Prologue - short version. East Village - short version. Bronx - short version.
Staten Island - short version. Central Park - short version.
Brooklyn - short version. Wall Street - short version. Subway tunnels - short version. As the game opens, you get to watch a short scene on a rooftop and have to pick your gender first. As far as I know this choice doesn’t have any impact on the story so feel free to choose whichever you like.Afterwards you’re asked to enter your name. As above, this decision doesn’t really matter for the story at all.Finally, you’re asked to tell your profession. Bigfoot question. Since this isn’t a RPG, this does not have any impact on your abilities but only influences the story slightly.
Go with what sounds best to you. You find yourself in Brooklyn, one year ago and in front of the “Under the Bricks Theatre”.In front of the building to find Serena, smoking.
Talk to her to find out, that the play you both have been working on and that’s supposed to open one week from then is supposedly going through some mayor changes.Enter the Theatre and find Morey sitting on one of the egg crates that are used as props. Talk to him to learn that Zack, writer of the play, has supposedly had some kind of meltdown and has started to rewrite the whole play. Tell him you’ll try to Talk to Zack and enter the office through the door to the right.You find Zack typing frantically on his computer, obviously looking awful. Talk to him to get more information about him re-writing the play and notice, that he appears to be completely engrossed in his work. Not having left the office to shower or eat in a week, as Morey told you earlier.Use the switch next to the door you entered through to turn on the light and notice a blonde woman sitting in the corner. Talk to her to find out she calls herself Calliope and is responsible for Zack’s sudden flash of inspiration.
It doesn’t matter which options you choose, she will not leave the poor guy alone since he called her. You’ll have to do something.Try to unplug the computer next to Zack to find out he superglued the cord to the outlet. You’re going to need something more than bare hands for this. So pick up the pair of scissors stuck in the pile of books to Zack’s other side and just cut the cord.In the scene that follows this action, everything gets slightly out of hand. There’s nothing you can do but watch the whole thing happen. Soon after you’ll be back on the roof in the present. You find yourself on Staten Island in front of the Eternox nightclub, one year ago.
Feel free to talk to your partner Vicky, who agrees to let you take the lead on this case for the first time.Talk to the bouncer to get some more information and afterwards show him your badge to gain access and even more information. Notice how he praises officer Morino, who Vicky was suspicious about just now?Enter the club and you get greated by Elana, the clubs owner. After a short talk you get to go upstairs and check out the situation while Vicky wants to ask Elana some more questions. Leave the scene by going up the stairs to the right of the screen and enter the VIP lounge.You see the famed officer Morino as well as the three suspects. The teenagers are handcuffed and appear to be confused about the whole situation.
Talk to Morino and learn about the events that transpired, afterwards try to talk to the suspects but you will not get anything out of them. The only thing they keep talking about is Morinos heroic act being like “something out of a Bruce Lee movie”.After you’ve talked to the kids as well as Morino, Vicky will enter the room and question the situation and officer Morino. You are free to chime in to either defend Morino or support Vicky. It doesn’t really matter.In the scene that follows this action, everything gets slightly out of hand. There’s nothing you can do but watch the whole thing happen. Soon after you’ll be back on the roof in the present.
Take a look around if you want but there’s really nothing to see here. As soon as you try to enter the bar, a man will come out to you. You recognise him as Logan, a former regular, Logan asks about his brother Jonah and tells you, he’s supposed to pick him up inside but can’t quite muster the strange to enter since he’s been sober for four years. You will offer to get Jonah for him in any way, to enter the bar to do just that.As soon as you enter you get into a conversation with Sammy, your boss and the bar`s owner about Jonah. You learn that he locked himself in the bathroom and won’t come out.
Obviously this guy has had one to many to drinkTry to enter the bathroom to realise that the door is locked. Talk to Jonah a bit if you want but whatever you say, he won’t come out. And he doesn’t make much sense as well.Reach over the counter to grab the bathroom key from the wall, if Jonah’s not going to come out then we’ll have to go in!
Unlock the door to find Jonah stand there, holding a gun to his head and threatening to kill himself. Notice the mirrors in the background and how the words “help him please” seem to appear and disappear randomly? WeirdDo what the mirror tells you to do and talk Jonah out of committing suicide. Afterwards there’s not much more you can do but the scene that follows this action, everything gets slightly out of hand. Soon after you’ll be back on the roof in the present. Click anywhere to get up and, after a brief talk with the woman who held you captive before, follow the two through the door and inside the building.The next scene is quite gruesome but feel free to look around before talking to either the man in the coat or the woman with the sword for some more information on what transpired.
You learn that you’ve been possessed and are responsible for the slaughter. Since there’s nothing more to do here, leave through the door on the left of the screen.Once you’re outside you get tasked with finding something big or heavy to pry of the padlock on the door you want to leave through. So pick up the pipe next to the dumpster.As soon as you do, a creature appears, claiming to have been invited.
Since you know that your two companions are still weakened by the exorcism they performed for you; it’s up to you to save the day:Check inside the dumpster and pick up the cloth and spool of copper wire inside. Then leave the close-up.Outside connect the frizzy power box and the puddle of rainwater with the copper wire. You have to first use the wire on the power box and afterwards pick up the wire from the ground to put it into the water. Everyone standing in the water would be electrocuted now. Sadly, the creature is not standing in the water. We’ll have to change that. Use the piece of cloth you found on the drainpipe to clog it and cause the water to flow out of the other pipe and the puddle to grow larger.
Don’t worry, your character will automatically push the lever into an “off” position for all of this. After your trap is set, go back to the power box and turn it back “on”.The creature is knocked down and after a short discussion, it falls to you to decide its fate. Kill it or let it feed on the corpses inside to get enough strength to travel back home? No matter what you decide, you are recruited as a member of the Unavowed.Return to the memorial and talk to the female police officer to learn about the BBQ.Return to the bus station and talk to Donny Santino about the BBQ.Enter the police station and talk to Captain Harrison about what happened at the BBQ.Head outside to the pier and have Eli fire read the burnt invitations.Remember the date since it seems to be randomized.Enter the alley behind the bar.The code for the door is Vicky’s parent’s anniversary. Enter it like this: MMDD (May 25th would be 0525).Enter the alley and have Logan talk to the ghost.Return to The police station and ask Captain Harrison about the alley.Return to the ghost in the alley and have Logan talk to her again.Choose: “Marlene”.Talk to her about everything else until Logan and KayKay help her move on.Check under the cinderblock to find the key to Vicky’s room.Use the key to unlock the door.Enter Vicky’s room.Grab the butter knife.Look at the wall on the far right. The one with “You are not crazy!” written on it.Use the knife on the tough old brick (just underneath the word “crazy”).Take the keycard.After talking to Vicky outside head over to the J&M Storage.Inside, use the keycard on the card reader next to the middle door and enter.
East Village.Talk to Kalash to start the meeting.After the meeting, leave the room through the door in the back.Make sure you take Vicky with you for this.Choose “Astor Place station (East Village)”.Return to the basement of the abandoned house.Have Vicky examine the corpse covered in plants.You get a chance to switch Vicky for Logan. Do so.Have Logan talk to the ghost.Choose “Harry Taylor?” and continue talking to the ghost until Logan helps him pass on.Try to leave the basement.Choose “North Grove (Central Park)”. North Grove.Follow Mandana by leaving the screen to the right.Try to free either Eli or Mandana.Have Kalash attack Galene three times (after that you get a couple of seconds to act eachtime Kalash attacks Galene.
Born from the mind of Dave Gilbert, head of and creator of the immensely enjoyable Blackwell series, promises another dive into the world of the mystical and the uncanny, this time as a member of the titular organization of men and women of varying abilities fighting a desperate war against a rising supernatural threat. Your task as a fledgling member of the Unavowed is quite personal, to say the least, as it involves following the trail of a demon who – prior to a successful exorcism – had spent an entire year in your body, leaving only carnage and misery in its wake. Classic point & click adventure meets cRPGUnavowed, despite borrowing the interface and general look of classic point & click adventures, tweaks and enhances the formula with various additions and features that make it feel a bit more like an RPG, particularly of the BioWare kind. For starters, you can choose between three different origin stories for your protagonist (cop, bartender, actor), which not only determines the kind of prologue you’ll play through in the game’s opening chapter, but has a minor influence on later events and even character interactions as well – to give one specific example, if your protagonist and Vicki Santina were partners and acquaintances as a result of picking the cop origin, she’ll occasionally bring this up during the main storyline as well. The game also utilizes an RPG-esque companion system that allows you to take advantage of whatever knowledge and skills your buddies have at their disposal.
Eli, the Fire Mage, possesses the ability of fire reading, which means he can essentially conjure up images of books, notes and written documents that had already been burned – as you might imagine, this comes in handy whenever you need to dig up information about something. By contrast, Mandana is a half-Djinn whose support is invaluable whenever the task at hand requires a bit of extra muscle, but that’s not all – her Djinn heritage also allows her to subtly detect when a person is lying. Vicki Santina’s a former detective with a good head on her shoulders and a healthy dose of cop instincts to accompany it, while the presence of your final team member potentially injects a bit of Blackwell into Unavowed: Logan, a so-called Bestower of Eternity, is gifted with the power to converse with spirits of the dead, an ability whose practical usefulness should not require much explanation.
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Meet the teamOut of the four companions available, you can only take two with you on any given mission, but worry not: each chapter’s puzzles are designed in a way to be solvable by every potential combination of characters, meaning that regardless of who accompanies you at a given time, you’ll never hit a dead end – you’ll just have to figure out how to use your current team’s abilities to progress. As far as I could tell, switching up your characters doesn’t drastically alter the course of the storyline, but it does provide enough variation to make Unavowed worthy of at least one replay. You’ll hear different bits of dialogue, experience certain scenes slightly differently, and have access to alternate ways of solving your problems. This was probably one of the more exciting aspects of Unavowed for me: on several occasions, the game made me wonder how this or that scene would have played out, had I brought different teammates or picked another origin story for my main character, which is precisely why the moment I saw the end credits pop up at the conclusion of my journey, I was already considering starting anew with a different character and different choices.
There’s also an audio commentary mode, by the way – so if nothing else, that should be incentive enough for a second run. Decisions, decisionsUnavowed also dips its toe in the murky waters of moral dilemmas, presenting important choices at various points in the storyline.
As you might expect, there’s never a solution that comes without its share of sacrifices, and you’ll find that even your teammates are often torn on how to feel about a given situation. The journey vs. The destinationMy primary complaint regarding the game concerns the main antagonist and the final stretch of the storyline, both of which feel a touch underwhelming compared to everything that had led up to it. Unavowed is by and large an episodic experience of sorts: during your adventure, you’ll visit various areas of the city and investigate a local mystery that is somehow tied to the demon you’re chasing.
These self-contained stories are all fascinating and it’s exactly here that Unavowed truly shines: when shedding light on how the lives of its everyday citizens are affected – and often completely destroyed – by supernatural meddling, further reinforcing its point about how important of a job the Unavowed are doing as protectors of mankind. By contrast, I found the primary antagonist of the plot to be one of the least compelling characters in Unavowed both in terms of personality and motivations, whose grand scheme wasn’t quite as exciting as I had hoped for. With that said, the main storyline does include one brilliantly-executed twist that caught me completely by surprise and left me blinking in disbelief as I watched everything unfold on-screen. Final thoughtsAll in all, was most certainly worth the wait. The game boasts some of the most eye-popping visuals I’ve seen in a 2D adventure title, along with a soundtrack of beautiful, somber tunes that create the perfect atmosphere for the storyline’s mature themes, but what’s more important is that beyond the appealing outer layer, it’s first and foremost a competently-written supernatural adventure with a cast of intriguing characters, multiple plot threads to untangle and various moral dilemmas to wrestle – all things that more than make up for the game’s lackluster finale. In Unavowed’s case, one could say that it’s the journey that matters, not necessarily the destination – and what a journey it has been indeed. Wadjet Eye Games’ latest offering is therefore an easy recommendation not just for old-time fans of the company, but anyone hungering for a sufficiently meaty and memorable point & click experience with a distinct personality of its own.