Auralux Pegasus Mass Walkthrough

Product DescriptionMobil Pegasus™ 610 is a high performance natural gas engine oil primarily intended for the lubrication of modern medium and high speed four-cycle engines operating on fuel that contains corrosive materials such as hydrogen sulphide or halogens (compounds containing chlorine, fluorine, etc.). These engines are generally of the lean-burn design where increased manifold pressures prevent sufficient lubricant from reaching the valve guide areas resulting in low oil consumption which can lead to accelerated valve guide and valve recession. This effect also increases the potential for wear and acid attack of upper cylinder components from the acidic materials generated during combustion.

Mobil Pegasus 610 is a high TBN gas engine oil with exceptional reserve alkalinity designed to offset the negative effects of these corrosive materials on engine components. The excellent corrosion protection properties help to prevent wear in cylinders, valve areas and bearings which can result in longer engine life and lower maintenance costs. Mobil Pegasus 610 provides excellent anti-wear and anti-scuff performance assuring minimal piston scuffing, scoring and cylinder and ring wear. This oil can also be used for the lubrication of the reciprocating compressors in landfill and biomass gas applications.Mobil Pegasus 610 is formulated from high quality mineral base oils combined with an advanced technology additive system designed to provide excellent protection of engine and compressor components. This product exhibits a high level of chemical stability and resistance to oxidation and nitration. Mobil Pegasus 610 offers outstanding resistance to valve train wear and protection against deposit and sludge formation. These performance advantages combined with the very effective detergency and dispersancy characteristics control the formation of ash and carbon deposits that could result in poor engine performance and detonation induced pre-ignition.Features and BenefitsMobil Pegasus 610 Gas Engine Oil provides an additional margin of protection in those applications using contaminated fuel.

Its excellent detergent / dispersant technology also results in cleaner engines, lower wear rates and improved engine performance. The use of this product can result in reduced maintenance costs and improved production capacity. Its excellent chemical and oxidation stability can result in longer drain periods and reduced filter costs.

Capacity: Capacity measures the horses's ability to carry more gear. This will allow you to instantly move items from your own inventory over to the horse at any time, regardless of the distance. Auralux Nova time Walkthrough Android Gamer. Sign in to YouTube. Auralux Split - Auralux Constellations Pegasus Classic Nova Time (Walkthrough). Auralux Mass - Auralux.

The high reserve alkalinity of this product allows its use in engines operating on fuels with moderate amounts of corrosive materials in the fuel gas. ExxonMobil (China) Investment Co. Ltd17th Floor, Metro Tower30 Tian Yao Qiao RoadShanghai 2000030China+6000Typical Properties are typical of those obtained with normal production tolerance and do not constitute a specification. Variations that do not affect product performance are to be expected during normal manufacture and at different blending locations. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. All products may not be available locally.

For more information, contact your local ExxonMobil contact or visitExxonMobil is comprised of numerous affiliates and subsidiaries, many with names that include Esso, Mobil, or ExxonMobil. Nothing in this document is intended to override or supersede the corporate separateness of local entities.

Responsibility for local action and accountability remains with the local ExxonMobil-affiliate entities.

This is the same strategy as used in a previous post on Tariff. The key to this strategy is to get two attack forces that you can use to alternately attack your opponents single planets. If you are successful in these attacks your opponents will keep sending reinforcements to their single planets. With their units on the single planets your opponents will keep attacking and defending the center single planet, which will prevent them from attacking you.


  1. From 0:00 to 0:14, promote your initial planet all the way to triple.
  2. From 0:15 to 0:47, capture and promote the top planet to a double planet.
  3. From 0:48 to 1:11, capture both of the single planets.
  4. From 1:12 to 1:19, send units towards the top right of the screen.
  5. From 1:20 to 2:18, while you peel off a second attack force on the top left of the screen, use your existing attack force on the opponents single planet to get them to send reinforcements. This prevents those opponents units from attacking you. When you have both of your attack forces in place, use alternating attacks on the opponents single planets to keep them using their units to attack the center single planet.
  6. From 2:19 to 2:25, start preparing for your attack by bringing units from your double planet down where they will be more useful.
  7. From 2:26 to 2:36, I consider quitting when orange attacks my single planet. Fortunately, I decide to start my attack instead.
  8. From 2:37 to 2:44, you want to start out taking out the bottom double planet of the opponent you attack first. If your attack force had enough units in it, you’ll be able to use the units that survive that attack to take out the double planet within the minefield.

This is really just an all out attack. You have to try to implement the attack in a way that keeps the opponents attacking the center planet as long as possible. The more units they use on each other, the fewer they have left to defend your attacks.

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