Idling To Rule The Gods Pets
Good day theres a way to escape Cheating God when you try to cheat the God power.(cheat engine needed)1. First you need to Scan Unknown Initial Value.2. Spend 1 God power.3. Go back to Cheat Engine. And change Scan type to Decrease Value by and put 1 (coz you spend 1 GP)4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you'll see 1 Address. ( the value will be different every time you try to hack GP sometimes the Value will be + 12 of your original GP or sometimes + 30.
IDLING TO RULE THE GODS BEGINNER'S PET GROWTH GUIDE About This Guide: This walkthrough is intended to give guidance on gaining Mouse Growth, as you are still attempting to reach, and defeat, Baal for the first time.
Btw its always random. Now you only have to do is to freeze the Value. And go buy stuffs.( hint dont go buy 50GP and above just 10 below would do )6.
But every each attempt please save your progress. So that youll see the limit of the freezing.coz there will be a limit exceeding your limit will trip the cheating god7. Exit the Game and run again. And do the steps from 1 - 7.ok guys this should do it. Good day theres a way to escape Cheating God when you try to cheat the God power.(cheat engine needed)1. First you need to Scan Unknown Initial Value.2.
Spend 1 God power.3. Go back to Cheat Engine. And change Scan type to Decrease Value by and put 1 (coz you spend 1 GP)4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you'll see 1 Address.
( the value will be different every time you try to hack GP sometimes the Value will be + 12 of your original GP or sometimes + 30. Btw its always random. Now you only have to do is to freeze the Value. And go buy stuffs.( hint dont go buy 50GP and above just 10 below would do )6. But every each attempt please save your progress.
So that youll see the limit of the freezing.coz there will be a limit exceeding your limit will trip the cheating god7. Exit the Game and run again. And do the steps from 1 - 7.ok guys this should do it.
The first thing to note is they're not visible to non-beta players until. Beta players can see them now, as well as new pets for p.baals 30-50 at multiples of 5 and new-and-improved pet token pets. If you want to join the beta, look at the OP of the beta thread for directions, but note that the beta can occasionally be buggier, and you need to accept that cost. EDIT: later is now.The second thing is the unlock method is secret- not all of them are known even to the beta testers- of the ones that are, one takes a pretty long period of time and would be completely unintuitive without reading the hint. I don't know how to get the other two myself yet, either, though whether that means no one knows is not knowledge I possess.The third thing is that you can either try to figure it out now or later- now means you have to do it and waste the effort by yourself- later means you can steal knowledge from the community, probably. Mole:Personally Confirmed.
Fight Jacky Lee while having a 100+ Physical ATK+ in the Might section. Skill use doesn't matter. I got it while using the heal skill. You have to win the fight.Camel:Personally Confirmed. Complete all of an AAC you can under the restriction of not killing any gods. This means all achievements for fighting and training, but no creations.Goat:Personally Confirmed. Have 1 of each creation spare for the goat to eat.
Build 5000 mystic gardens. No killing Monsters or defeating UBs.Testing Data: I saved and reloaded to test UBs/Defense/Special Fights/Pet Training with clones/Killing Higher Pbaals.Killing UBs actively on your planet: Confirmed FailDefending UBs using the Crystal Factory: Confirmed FailSpecial Fights: Gods confirmed safe. Killed through Pbaal 15. New divinty source.Pet Training with Clones: Confirmed SafePets sent on Campaigns: Confirmed SafeKilling PBaals: Confirmed SafeBuying Div with GP: Confirmed Safe. Originally posted by:Mole:Fight Jacky Lee while having a 100+ Physical ATK+ in the Might section. Skill use doesn't matter.
I got it while using the heal skill. You don't have to win the fight. You just have to finish it, so if you have the Might you can be killed by Jacky and unlock the Mole.Camel:Complete all of an AAC you can under the restriction of not killing any gods. This means all achievements for fighting and training, but no creations.Goat:Complete all of an AAC you can under the restriction of not killing any monsters or Baal. This means defeating all gods through Chronos, getting all creation achievements through Galaxy and all training achievements, but no fighting.Blimey, might have unlocked the mole eventually by chance but probably wouldn't have ever unlocked camel or goat.

I'm not the type to experiment that much.