Ihra Drag Racing 2021 Schedule

The 2020 Bracket Drag Racing Program has 14 scheduled rounds. All rounds will count towards total points calculation. These rounds are clearly marked as Summit SuperSeries on the schedule.Returning in 2020 - IHRA Sportsman class open to door cars only (12.00 & slower in the 1/4-mile and 7.50 & slower in the 1/8-mile). The use of trans brakes, two steps, and delay boxes are prohibited in the Sportsman class. The IHRA Sportsman class will be WIR's Street Eliminator class.Motorcycles wishing to participate in the X Points program will need to choose either Top, Modified, or Sportsman class to be eligible for an X point championship.All Bracket racing is available to IHRA members and non members. Non members are eligible to win WIR class championships.

IHRA competition requires IHRA membership and registered X points number. Visit the IHRA membership center atIHRA Summit SuperSeries X points championship will go to the track champion in each class. This applies to Top Eliminator/Box, Hot Rod/Modified, Street/Sportsman classes and Junior Dragster. In the event, the WIR IHRA Summit SuperSeris X points champion has already secured a 2020 X points championship at another track, the next eligible competitor will be awarded WIR IHRA Summit SuperSeries X points champion.The first round of 2020 IHRA Summit SuperSeries racings is scheduled for Saturday, April 25, 2020. Be sure to get your membership and X number registered by this date for your points to count towards winning a championship.The final points race will be September 26, 2020.All IHRA safety rules and general race regulations are in effect for ALL classes.

IHRA Spring Nationals tickets from Front Row Tickets.com will make your live entertainment experience magical. We provide world class service and premium seating. Start by finding your event on the IHRA Spring Nationals 2020 2021 schedule of events with date and time listed below.

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Access the 2020 IHRA Rule Book viaRace procedures, class and facilities rules specific to WIR may be referenced atThe IHRA Suspended Drivers list will be enforced.