Shivers 2 Harvest Of Souls Walkthrough

Shivers Two: Harvest of Souls has a Illustrated realism style and uses a Point-and-click control scheme. Adventure Gamers have published a review of Shivers Two: Harvest of Souls and rate it as Decent, at this time the community has not provided a rating for Shivers Two: Harvest of Souls. May 07, 2019 This feature is not available right now. Please try again later.
Shivers 2: Harvest of SoulsYour friends of the rock band Trip Cyclone win the Battle of the Bands and decide to make video clips in the secluded desert town of Cyclone, Arizona, located amidst the red rocks of Devil's Mouth Canyon. They stay at the house of aunt Pearl and help her out part-time in her cafe. The town seems to have gotten stuck in time decades ago, people are strange and not welcoming to outsiders.
When two hikers do not return from their trip in the canyon, on which people believe an ancient Indian curse rests, the villagers set out for a search expedition, only to lose a local villager in the process. The town is restless, tourists stop coming and the band believes they may not be able to make their rock videos, lacking the money to buy equipment. Then they are approached by a strange man wearing a traditional Indian Kachina mask, who names himself Darkcloud.Darkcloud expresses strong interest in their music and decides to finance the band, even hiring a technician from LA. It is very suspicious but on the other hand the help is welcome. But then strange events begin - as their videos are broadcasted on the local TV network, people gradually turn into mental zombies, lured to Devil's Mouth Canyon.
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One by one they disappear. When the band witnessed more than they would like to, and they decide to pack their bags and leave town, a landslide occurs and virtually isolates Cyclone with no more supplies or people going in or out. People are trapped.
Only one more person manages to make it to the town after a rough motorcycle ride - you. When you arrive, all people have disappeared, including your friends. What is going on here? Who is Darkcloud? And can you save your friends?
Clues are scattered in their videos and in the buildings around the ghost town. Your friends' lives depend on your witts and puzzle-solving skills, Warrior.
Shivers 2: Harvest of Souls - Game Boomers Walkthrough by Eileen CaraherShiversII- Harvest of SoulsCheck List and Puzzle SolutionsBy Eileen CaraherCheck List and Puzzle Solutionsby Eileen CaraherShivers II: Harvest of Souls by Sierra OnlineI opted to do a check list and puzzle solutions, becausethe game has so many twists and turns, that a step by step walk throughwould be near to impossible.First things first, Everyone should read their manual. Itgives great insight as to how the cursor act, and shortcuts for your keys,etc.
It also gives you a run down of the puzzles to be solve, and the People of Cyclone.The premise of the game is that you arrive in theGod-Forsaken, hotter than all get out, po-dunk of an Arizona town, in the middle of CanyonCountry. Your mission should you decide to accept it-hehe that was a joke!!Anyway, you need to find your friends, that have come to town, as a band, to play musicand help ' Aunt Pearl' with her Cafe. But EVERYONE has disappeared!! The ideais to find 12 Bahos Sticks, place them in the Altar at the Kiva in Devil's Mouth Canyon,and solve the mystery of the missing people! To release you friends from the grasp of theSpirit in the Canyon.Remember throughout the town are Artifacts, and plaquesthat explain part of the mystery you are trying to solve. So click on everything!!
Andread and pay attention to it ALL!! You will be guided along by the ghost of Norah Whartonand the mystery man in the Kochina Mask called Dark Cloud.
I will list the places in thetown and the things you supposed to accomplish in each place, of course, you do not dothese in order as this is not a linear game, you may do some things at a place and thenhave to come back later to finish what you started. You must periodically watch some musicvideos on one of the TV's, these have important clues in them. They also trigger otherevents to happen.GAS STATION1.) Look around at Everything. Petrified Indian w/ Plaque.2.) Notice the table with the drawer in it, this is where your chess pieces that youcollect will go.
After a picture appears abovethe table on the wall. They are at Sheriff's Office on the jail celltable, the Toucan's mouth at Pearl's house on the dresser, thecard catalogue at the Library/Museum, and in Motel rm#6 in the dresserdrawer. Once you have your chess pieces, look atthem with your eye, they will be marked for placement, refer toOlivia's notebook, that you will obtain from the Warehouse.3.) Listen and save the phone messages4.) Look at calendar in bottom desk drawer5.) Once you have placed the chess pieces, the cabinet will open and there will be a screwdriver inside and a note.6.) Use the screw driver to unlock the desk drawer and get the gas can that is inside.
Usethis on the pump outside to obtainsome diesel fuel for the generator at the Mine.7.) There is an air compressor in the garage part of the station, that will only workafter you have completed other thingsthroughout town. To use the compressor, flip the switch, turn handle sothat air pressure is 230psi and then use other leveracross the garage to lift the car.8.) Retrieve Dave's Notebook from under the car, read it carefully and take the key thatis inside of it. It goes to the donationbox at the Church. You must have seen the video(Know Your Enemy) forany of this to work.MOTEL LOBBY1.) The first sequence of the game is here, and is almostautomatic, except you must read the note on the counter from DarkCloud, and pay for your Motel Room with $40 and pick up your $2.50 inchange. Star wars rebellion game. Then you are off to your room for a nap anddream.
Pay attention, to all these auto sequences, as they are full ofclues.2.) Collect some chewing gum from the ashtray on the counter.3.) Go behind the desk and read the letter in box #6.4.) Take note of the phone number in this note. 555-6321, its the Cafe.5.) Read the letter on the counter.6.) Look in the drawers, under this letter, and read the Bible and note inside the Bible,take the pottery piece and note thestraight-edge, even though you can't pick it up.7.) Now go to the TV in the corner, TV's in this town have a way of transporting you, souse your gum to cover the red light onthe upper left corner, and then watch some videos. Watch until you getDark Cloud's message.8.) Note the vending machine, you will need to return here and pay $2.75 ( your $2.50 plusa quarter from Phil's Market) forbatteries to use in a cassette player.9.) Note the Missing Person Poster on the wall, and the pottery, and the plaque.10.) The first Bahos Stick is here, you'll get it by ringing the bell and theJack-In-The-Box pops up with it.Petrogliph Puzzle for this Bahos -MOTEL Rm #51.) Listen and save all your phone messages.