The Legend Of Mir 3

Spell Level 1 Required Level 2 Required Level 3 Required Experience 1 Experience 2 Experience 3; FatalSword: 14: 19: 29: 1,400: 2,850: 5,800: DoubleSlash: 20: 25: 35.

Building the Best Legend of Mir III experience for Southeast Asia Region

The first Legend of Mir III Server support English & Chinese Client.
Second server “Eden” will start Close Beta on 15th March 9:00P.M. (GMT+8)

Open Beta live on 22th of March 2020 10:00 P.M. (GMT+8)
play in full hd

The game is now able to run up to 1920x1080 resolution!


Latest Korean Legend of Mir III maps and contents are all inside our server!

First Server Support Dual Language

English and Chinese Client working perfectly!

Fully Translated Chinese Client

A server to brings Western Countries and Eastern Countries player play together.

The first SEA Server introduce Assassin class. Assassins are members of a secret organization, for assassinations had not been recorded in history for a long time. They’re capable of hiding themselves and performing attacks while being unseen by others, which naturally makes them excellent at making fast kills. It is necessary for them to avoid being in battles with many enemies, for their weak vitality and strength. Once their reach a certain level, they can specialize in PVP (player vs. player combat) or hunting monsters.

I certainly knew it, but later he said to me ‘I didn’t know about you Barbara, I thought you were nuts!’ And I was. He was so frightened. Thank you so much for coming. Eden star youtube.

Cute companion are available to helps player loot items!