Relic Rescue Cheats

Disney Universe is an off-the-wall non-stop action-adventure video game where Disney worlds and characters mix up for the first time. Players will be able to suit up in iconic character costumes and face challenges in legendary Disney worlds. Disney universe picture.

This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team for Game Boy Advance.If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to. How to Unlock Buried Relic? I've already stopped the meteor and recruited the three birds, the three dogs, Kyogre, Lugia, Ho-oh, the Latis and Gardevoir. I also have all the friend areas that you can buy and get from wonder mail. After I beat Stormy Sea I never got a newsletter or anything that I found online that said would unlock it.

Check out this walkthrough guide for the Buried Relic in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX for the Switch! Includes battle strategies, choices, tips, item locations, & more!

Table of Contents

Check Out the Bonus Dungeon List Here!

Buried Relic - How To Unlock & Overview

Unlock Buried Relic Walkthrough

1Complete the Stormy Sea Bonus Dungeon
2You will trigger a cutscene that brings you back home
3When you wake up, head out
4A Pelipper will leave some mail on your mailbox
5Your partner will read the mail regarding Buried Relic
6Head to Pokemon Square and Lombre and Shiftry
7Once you head south of your house, the Buried Relic can be explored

Unlocked After Stormy Sea

In order to unlock the Buried Relic, you will first need to complete the Stormy Sea bonus dungeon at least once in order to trigger the events that lead up to unlocking the Buried Relic dungeon.

Bonus Dungeon With Legendary Pokemon

The Buried Relic Dungeon is a bonus dungeon that contains the three legendary Pokemon: Regirock, Regice, & Registeel. This dungeon is also the alleged location of Mew.

B1F ~ B15F - How To Beat Regirock

vs. Regirock Walkthrough

1Enter the dungeon and fight your way down to B15F floor
2Once you reach B15F, a cutscene will trigger
3After the cutscene, defeat Regirock to continue

If You Get Wiped Out In A Dungeon..

Write your Rescue Request Password in our Forum! By doing so, people from all over the world will be able to come help you!
(*A Nintendo Online Subscription is necessary for this.)

Rescue Password Forum

3. Regirock Boss Battle Tips

WeaknessFighting, Grass, Ground, Steel, Water
OthersClear Body
MovesAncient Power, Rock Throw, Stomp, TBD

Focus Fire With Effective Attacks

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Regirock is vulnerable to multiple attack types! If you can focus on it with strong attacks such as Water Pulse or Iron Tail, you will be able to make quick work of the boss!

Use Orbs to Gain the Advantage

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Using Orbs at the start of battle will put your team at a great advantage against Regirock. For example, using the All Dodge Orb will increase your team's evasiveness, making Regirock miss several of its high damage attacks!

Regirock Drops Rock Part

Upon defeating Regirock, it will drop the Rock Part item. This item can be used to recruit Regirock the next time you visit the Dungeon, or can be combined with the Ice Part and Steel Part to create the Music Box.

B16F ~ B25F - How to Beat Regice

vs. Regice Walkthrough

1Once you defeat Regirock, head down to the next floor
2Continue exploring the dungeon until you reach B25F
3Another cutscene will trigger
4After the cutscene, fight and defeat Regice

If You Get Wiped Out In A Dungeon..

Write your Rescue Request Password in our Forum! By doing so, people from all over the world will be able to come help you!
(*A Nintendo Online Subscription is necessary for this.)

Rescue Password Forum

4. Regice Boss Battle Tips

WeaknessFire, Fighting, Rock, Steel
OtherClear Body
MovesAmnesia, Charge Beam, Icy Wind, Stomp

Focus On Physical Attacks

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Regice has the move Amnesia, allowing it to sharply raise its Sp. Def. In tandem with the Clear Body ability, Regice will be able to tank most of your attacks. Try to primarily use super effective physical attacks to bring down this Pokemon!

Apply Status Conditions to Slow Down Boss

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Another way for you to gain the upper hand in the fight is to try applying status conditions such as paralysis, or confusion. Despite the boss being able to heal itself, it may give you a few extra turns to dish out extra damage.

Regice Drops Ice Part

Regice will drop the Ice Part once you defeat it. It is an item that you can use to recruit Regice the next time you visit the dungeon, or can be combined with the Rock Part and Steel Part to create the Music Box!

B26F ~B35F - How to Beat Registeel

vs. Registeel Walkthrough

1After defeating Regice, continue making your way down the dungeon
2Fight your way through the dungeon until you reach B35F
3Another cutscene will trigger
4After the cutscene, defeat Registeel

If You Get Wiped Out In A Dungeon..

Write your Rescue Request Password in our Forum! By doing so, people from all over the world will be able to come help you!
(*A Nintendo Online Subscription is necessary for this.)

Rescue Password Forum

4. Registeel Boss Battle Tips

WeaknessFighting, Fire, Ground
OtherClear Body
MovesIron Defense, Metal Claw, Stomp, TBD

Focus On Using Special Attacks

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Registeel will use the move Iron Defense to sharply raise its Defense stat. Combining this with its Clear Body ability allows it to tank physical attacks. Focus on using Special Attacks to deal a bulk of your damage!

Registeel Drops Steel Part

After defeating Registeel, it will drop the Steel Part item, which can be used to recruit Registeel the next time you visit the dungeon. Alternatively, you can make the Music Box by combining it with the Rock Part and Ice Part!

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX Related Articles

Useful Databases

All Pokemon ListPokemon Tier List
Legendary ListAll Rare Quality List

Must-Read Beginner's Guides

Best Starters List & Quiz Guide
Fast Exp Farming GuideHow to Recruit Pokemon
Rescue Camps GuideMove Growth Guide
Beginner Tips

Story Walkthroughs

1. Thunderwave Cave2. Mt. Steel
3. Sinister Woods4. Mt. Thunder
5. Great Canyon6. Lapis Cave
7. Mt. Blaze8. Frosty Forest
9. Mt. Freeze10. Uproar Forest
11. Magma Cavern12. Sky Tower
Bonus Dungeon List

End Game Guides

How To Get Legendary PokemonHow To Evolve Pokemon
Mega Evolution GuideHow To Get Shiny Pokemon
How To Raise Rescue Team RankHow To Get Friend Bow
End Game Guide

Hiya,I thought this game was going to be entertaining, with lots of different locations and it would be challenging. I thought lots of locations as the map at the beginning looked promising with plenty of places to visit! So, when the text kept saying just a few more levels, I thought it meant 'of that location'!I wish I hadn't wasted my money! I played 30 minutes into the free hour and then bought it. Silly me; I finished it before the hour was up!The second BF game I bought this week that didn't live up to expectations and was finished all too quickly. Big Fish games are mainly excellent, and this one could have been if there had been more to it:-(. I too am a HOG fan, as well as a fan of Big Fish.I generally buy all of these games without using the trial one first (a HUGE mistake I will NEVER make again!!).

This game was insulting to my intelligence, not to mention the fact that I finished the COMPLETED game in under an hour!!! I would like to get my credit back.this has happened a couple of times lately, and it is really starting to make me feel ripped-off.

My husband is now telling me that perhaps it is time to buy my games elsewhere!! Maybe he is right?? Rant finished! Sassycassierl wrote:I too am a HOG fan, as well as a fan of Big Fish.I generally buy all of these games without using the trial one first (a HUGE mistake I will NEVER make again!!). This game was insulting to my intelligence, not to mention the fact that I finished the COMPLETED game in under an hour!!! I would like to get my credit back.this has happened a couple of times lately, and it is really starting to make me feel ripped-off.

My husband is now telling me that perhaps it is time to buy my games elsewhere!! Maybe he is right?? Rant finished!That's a silly thing to do. Big Fish is the best.

All you need to do is tell them and they'll give you a free credit. Their customer service is the best. I have never heard of anyone that went away not pleased. Give them a chance. Sassycassierl wrote:I too am a HOG fan, as well as a fan of Big Fish.I generally buy all of these games without using the trial one first (a HUGE mistake I will NEVER make again!!). This game was insulting to my intelligence, not to mention the fact that I finished the COMPLETED game in under an hour!!! I would like to get my credit back.this has happened a couple of times lately, and it is really starting to make me feel ripped-off.

My husband is now telling me that perhaps it is time to buy my games elsewhere!! Maybe he is right??

Rant finished!That's a silly thing to do. Big Fish is the best.

Relic rescue cheats download

All you need to do is tell them and they'll give you a free credit. Their customer service is the best.

The game starts with the player choosing characters for his part, selecting race, gender, weapons and more. Dwarf, Elf, Human, Halfling, Felpier, Diablon, etc. Alfheim online ascension 1 7.

I have never heard of anyone that went away not pleased. Give them a chance.Totally agree w/ Barbee! Do you not shop at Toys R Us becuz you didnt like a game you purchased? No, you take it back and pick out something else, or get your money back! Big Fish has best customer service around! They will help! Description (on RA's page):Hunt for hidden objects and a secret family treasure in Relic Hunt!

Legendary adventurer Melvin Jones has settled down with his, rather disappointing, grandson, Marcus. But, when Marcus proves that he has a bit of the explorer in him after all, Melvin passes on to his grandson the secret locations of his wealth.

Follow Melvin on a thrilling journey to seven exotic islands and help him find masterfully hidden objects, solve original puzzles, decipher unique riddles, and more. Featuring more than 200 levels, fantastic full-screen graphics, and a captivating storyline, Relic Hunt is more than an adventure; it's a wonderful tale of a grandfather's love. Try the free trial version, or download the full version and begin an adventure you'll never forget. Over 200 levels of hidden object fun. Stunning scenes to search. Original mini-games. Seven different islands to visit.

Fantastic full-screen graphicsI mean come on! Over 200 levels???

I don't think so.Anyway - thought for once I'd put my 2 cents' worth in - although I don't believe it's worth even that - definitely a -waster. Definitely NOT one of BFG's better days. LolGemPS - I too am willing to offer my proof-reading skills for FREE if they are that short on staff.

(I think it got to me a bit more than others because it's more than just a 'pet peeve': I'm severely.OCD so it about drove me over the edge.OCD for those of you who do not know is short for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: a very annoying thing to have. For those who are interested, copy & paste the link below for more info.Have a great day everyone!